The Sustain Blog Nominated for Two Awards

May 11, 2012

Recently I was nominated by Shannon at dirt n kids for not one but two blog awards. So, first of all thank you to Shannon. If you haven’t yet visited her blog, you should. The first award is the Kreative Blogger. And the second is the Versatile Blogger.

The rules for both awards ask that you nominate seven other bloggers for the award and share seven fun or interesting facts about your self. Since I got nominated for two awards I am going to do 14. You may fall asleep.

Here we go… 14 fun filled facts about me.

1. I can spend about four or five days completely by myself before I get lonely.

2. I purposely keep my nails short so they are easy to clean after gardening.

3. I am a Sherlock Holmes junkie.

4. I have seen every episode of Bones at least three times.

5. My favorite poem is A Man Said To The Universe by Stephen Crane.

A man said to the universe:

“Sir I exist!”

“However,” replied the universe,

“That fact has not created in me

A sense of obligation.”

6. In high school I was on the Junior National Ski Team and was offered a spot on the U.S. Development Ski Team (which I declined).

7. I spent a semester abroad in Nepal and have traveled to India, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Guatemala, The Dominican Republic, Montserrat, Kauai, The Big Island, Canada, Russia, Scotland, Antigua, Tortola, Turkey, and England.

8. My family lived in England for a year when I was a baby.

9. I was recently asked to be the chair of the Austin Chapter of the National Association of Professional Women in Landscape and, yes, this is a blatant promotion of the group whose web site is

10. Before I became a landscape designer and blogger I did lighting for feature films.

11. After marrying into a family of cooks I have finally started trying to cook and found I don’t hate it. In fact, I kind of like it.

12. I once had a client in Brooklyn whose wife, while planting pansies in the back yard, found a gun buried there.

13. I can weld.

14. I have two cats I found as stray kittens living in the basement of the Trump Tower. I named them Osiris and Tamuz

Okay, on to the other bloggers for nomination. Here we go…

1. Sublime Palate

2. The Boxcar Grocer

3. Urban Roots

4. 222 Million Tons

5. Plant Select

6. Rantings of an Amateur Chef

7. Transplanted North’s Blog

8. The Garden Zealot

9. arignagardener

10. The Incredible Lightness of Seeing

11. The Soulsby Farm

12. wasteisblank


14. Vickster’s Vine

If you made it this far thank you for sticking with it. If you have a chance I highly urge you to take a look at at least a few of these blogs. Of course not everyone will like all of them but I bet all of you will like at least one enough to start following it.

4 Responses to “The Sustain Blog Nominated for Two Awards”

  1. Thank you so much for the nominations!


  2. Nicole Brait Says:

    Thank you Shannon. I learned to weld renovating an old house with my husband, his sister and brother-in-law. Very long story. And the nails – just too much maintenance, am I right?


  3. Shannon Says:

    Wow…welding and skiing! I love learning all these things about you. Me too on the nails. You have an awesomely versatile blog. I am happy to have found you and look forward to more goodies that you have to offer!


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